5 Tips On How To Build Up Your Social Media
May 30, 2018 . 2 min read

As a contractor, every job counts - and every job has to pay. It's important that you're creating leads and completing work that's right for your equipment and business model. Social media is a powerful tool to gain exposure and help grow your business.
Jump to:- Claim Your Business Pages
- Completely Fill Out Your Profile
- Posting Content
- Types Of Content To Post
- Put The Customer First
Here are some key items to pay attention to as you ramp up your social media strategy.
1. Claim Your Business Pages
- Make sure to claim your business pages on various social media outlets right away, regardless of whether or not your ready to start work on them.
- A great start is to claim your Facebook and Instagram pages.
- You may want to consider Twitter, LinkedIn and Snapchat, depending on your target market.
- If your business name is taken, or you want something different for your "handle" (which is the end of of the web address), come up with something creative that represents your business. For example, Diamond's Facebook custom URL is "Demand Brilliance" - which is our tagline - https://www.facebook.com/DemandBrilliance/
2. Completely Fill Out Your Profile
- Having a complete profile on your social media outlets is crucial. This is not only part of your branding, but makes it easier for people to find you, contact you, and learn more about your business.
- Your profile picture should prominently feature your company logo.
- Your cover photo should showcase your business. Choose something that shows your business in action, or the services and solutions you offer. Keep text minimal to none in artwork.
- On Instagram, keep your company description to 2 sentences or less. Make sure to use hashtags in the description to help you trend, and be easily found. Think about keywords examples such as #landclearing, #forestry, #vegetationmanagement.
3. Posting Content
- Both Facebook and Instagram have become imagery based. This means that pictures and video will be an important part of your daily, or weekly posting. Take pictures and video on your phone when you can, they will be valuable assets.
- Utilize the location feature on both Facebook and Instagram. For example, if you're posting a picture of a job, mark the location of the city that it's taking place. This can help generate interest for those living, or have a tie into the area.
- If doing work for a client, tag their name or company name. This will help people find who you're doing work for, and make you more relevant in your area and region.
4. Types Of Content To Post
- Testimonial content is some of the most powerful content to share pictures, videos and quotes from customers. If you did the work you promised, ask your customer to rate and review your Facebook business page.
- Short videos are strategic content options for both Facebook and Instagram. Shoot for :15-30 second action clips. Consider purchasing a GoPro, or a mount for your phone to record from a distance, or in the cab.
- Share content from other businesses or industry-related sources weekly. It will display your connections and knowledge of the industry.
5. Put The Customer First
- Your social media content is not just about you, the customer comes first. Think about this as you post content and manage your various social media pages.
- Respond quickly to messages, comments, and inquiries. Your next conversation could land you a paycheck.
- Respond to any negative feedback quickly as well - with a solution.
Social media is a friend for any small business. It can create connections and leads that simply cannot be accomplished from word-of-mouth alone. Take the time to make social media part of your business strategy.
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