How To Win More Government Business
Aug 16, 2016 . 1 min read

More and more government buyers are moving away from the bidding process.
Why? Because it’s expensive and often times the buyer is just not able to get the product they really want to buy. In fact, if current trends continue, by 2025 purchasing equipment via bidding will be nearly obsolete.
Recently we have seen the state of New York reduce the size of its purchasing team from 60 to 3 and adopt the NJPA contract.
The NJPA contract has become the leading vehicle for governments and non-profits to purchase equipment without going to bid. (NJPA Vendor Advantage Article) Buyers can become a member at no cost.
As a dealer, NJPA transactions are easy and profitable for the dealer.
We have found that despite the growth of NJPA, there are still many buyers that are not aware of the contract. We recommend that dealer sales reps check the NJPA website to determine if the prospect they are calling is a member. Often the entity is a member and the buyer is not aware.
If the prospect is not a member, just ask “If there was a way you could purchase this equipment without going to bid, is this something that would be of interest to you.” In every case you will find that the prospect is interested. Just tell them about the contract and suggest that they become a member.
Diamond Mowers is a participating vendor with NJPA. To learn more about the NJPA contract process, contact your local Diamond sales representative.