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Cash or Parts Back

Mel Peterson

Jul 10, 2018 . 1 min read
Cash or Parts Back

$500 Cash Back / Free Forestry Teeth


1. $500 factory rebate on all Skid-Steer Rotary Mowers. 

2. Free 50 teeth and hardware kit for all Skid-Steer Forestry Mulchers. 

Here are the details:

$500 Rebate Offer:

  1. Customers purchase a new, skid-steer rotary mower between July 1 and Aug. 31, 2018. 
  2. Customers submit a copy of the proof of purchase to recieve the $500 factory rebate. 
  3. Proof of purchase must include sale date, serial number, and complete customer information. 

Free Teeth Offer: 

  • Customers purchase a new skid-steer forestry mulcher between July 1 and Aug. 31, 2018.
  • Customers submit a copy of the proof of purchase to receive the free teeth and hardware. (No substitutions)
  • Proof of purchase must include sale date, serial number, and complete customer information. 

Customers must submit an online form no later than Friday, September 7, 2018 to receive their $500 rebate check or tooth kit. 

Diamond will send rebate checks or tooth kits directly to customers within 4-6 weeks of receiving the online form submission. 

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