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A New Solution to Enhance Logging Operations

Mel Peterson

Dec 09, 2016 . 1 min read
A New Solution to Enhance Logging Operations


increase productivity in logging operations

Timber harvesters cost over $750,000 and are essential to the logging industry.

But how can you reclaim your investment in a timely manner?

One way to increase production is by conducting pre-commercial thinning and sapling removal.

This process removes trees under 3" in diameter that have little to no economic value. By removing these smaller trees in advance, loggers can better access the revenue generating trees with ease.

If done incorrectly, removing these non-merchantable saplings can become a costly, tedious and time-consuming task. Using an expensive timber harvester to remove smaller trees is a waste of time, money and resources. But removing saplings with the right equipment can increase the timber harvester’s productivity up to 30%.


Introducing, Diamond’s Skid-Steer Forestry Head. The solution for pre-commercial thinning

Diamond’s forestry head takes less time and uses less fuel than other mechanical or manual options. By using a skid loader attachment, such as Diamond’s forestry head, pre-commercial thinning won’t require a high-level operator creating an additional, labor cost saving.

Diamond’s 60" Skid-Steer Forestry Head can take down trees up to 14" and mulch material down to 2" in diameter for quick decomposition. This attachment can cut below ground level, preventing regrowth and allowing ease of access to the revenue generating trees.

Watch how trees can be eliminated and improve your logging operation with a Diamond’s Skid-Steer Forestry Head:

Diamond Mowers - Skid-Steer Forestry Head Operating Techniques from Diamond Mowers on Vimeo.