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All About Grease

Neil Simons

May 02, 2017 . 1 min read
All About Grease

Increase your equipment’s lifespan by greasing every workday.

Grease Each Day.

  • As you are shutting down your machine for the day, take 10-15 minutes to check for hydraulic leaks, loose bolts, and cracks in the machine and grease your unit.
  • This end of the day application allows the grease to flow around warm bearings, getting into all the small niches and will push out any moisture that has made its way into the bearing.

Know Your Grease Points.

  • Grease points are located at all pivot points, hydraulic cylinder ends, pump drive shaft,
    and spindle.
  • Grease all fittings every day – with the exception of the direct drive spindle which should only be greased every 500 hours.

Use The Right Grease.

  • Most Diamond Mowers products use #2 lithium-based grease.
    • Chain Coupled Spindles are the exception and are greased every day with special
      #1 grease.
  • Grease that contains other properties may not be compatible with #2 lithium-based grease and will not protect well, or at all.
  • Proper lubrication and inspection can reduce costly repairs on bearings or bushings and prevent potential downtime.

For more answers to common maintenance questions, visit Tech Tips.

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