Controlling the Aftermath of a Wood-Boring Insect Infestation
Jul 23, 2018 . 1 min read

Insect infestations, particularly wood-boring insects, can affect a wide range of ornamental or forest trees. These insects can thrive for some time before damage is noticed and is too late for the survival of the trees.
Most of these insects feed on the part of the tree just below the bark, which will stunt growth and eventually weaken the tree to the point that it cannot hold itself up. These wood-boring insects like Emerald Ash Borer or Pine Beetle are responsible for hundreds of millions of dollars of damage over the last several years, and their spread could be even more devastating.
Practices such as restricting the movement of firewood have proven effective to slow the progression of these pests. Good horticultural practices to keep trees healthy are often the best defense against these invaders. Once a woodboring insect has found its way into the ecosystem, chemical controls can be used, but often are expensive and have mixed results.
The most effective way to control these pests is by totally removing the infested tree with a skid-steer mounted product like the Diamond Mowers Forestry Mulcher. The Forestry Mulcher will effectively mulch a tree up to 14” in diameter and the small footprint will allow you to be selective and only pull out only the damaged or infested trees, leaving healthy ones to flourish.
There is no need to make multiple trips with a chainsaw, then a chipper. A mulcher will cut, mulch, and disperse the chips all at once, saving time and money.
Watch the Diamond Skid-Steer Forestry Mulcher in Action below: