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Customer Testimonial: Town of Oswego, NY

Ben Gutnik

Nov 21, 2016 .
Customer Testimonial: Town of Oswego, NY

Town of Oswego NY Testimonial Email Banner 11222016.png

Customer Testimonial: town of Oswego, NY

Town of Oswego’s Highway Department is located on the southern edge of the Port City of Oswego, NY.

In 2009, the city purchased a Diamond 90" Side Flail and a Rear Offset 90" Flail mowing system mounted on a Challenger 455 Tractor from Stephenson Equipment.

Highway Superintendent, David Sterio, says that the department has been very pleased with the twin flail’s performance.

"This unit immediately replaced two older units that were mowing roadsides. It does the same quantity of work in less time, with a nicer finish than both of the older units, allowing the highway department to be more efficient and get more work done on a daily basis."

Look your best with a Diamond Flail Mower.
Contact your local sales rep today to learn more.

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