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Enhancing Hunting Grounds with Vegetation Management

Miranda Moss

Jul 06, 2020 . 2 min read
Enhancing Hunting Grounds with Vegetation Management


Over the years of hunting with family and friends, I have had the pleasure of hunting on both well-maintained and overgrown land. There is nothing worse than hoofing through thick brush to get to a prime location and still not getting that clear shot due to overrun brush and trees.

I can also attest to the awful task of rucking out a deer from an overgrown plot, which is something I don’t ever intend on doing again. Pictured below is my mom, with her first deer just outside a beautifully maintained thicket. Her excitement wasn’t diminished by the task of dragging her buck back through dense underbrush.

Whether you are turkey, deer, pheasant, or coyote hunting - improving your hunting land is vital to ensure you or your guests get the best shot and have a fun, safe time.


Maintaining Vegetation on Hunting Grounds

  • Clear shooting lanes – keeping foliage to a minimum down your shooting lanes is ideal for offseason practice or for getting that perfect shot from your blind. 
  • Habitat improvement - animal-specific food plots are ideal for attracting those Whitetail Deer and Wild Turkeys. Remember, these plots will need to be maintained throughout the year to maximize your efforts. Be sure to include cover and thermal protection with trees, such as a small grouping of pine trees. 
  • Clear hunting trails – there is nothing worse than getting that monster buck, but then having to drag it through unmaintained trails. By keeping trails clear you will provide in-and-out access for walking as well as vehicles.
  • Establish a sanctuary – to fully maximize animal traffic to your land, establishing a sanctuary plot is vital. This land will be off-limits to all hunting and human traffic, which means no scouting or even hiking in the area. It is best to have this plot of land in the center of your hunting grounds. Be sure to have good thick cover for nesting and a food source available.

One of the most important things about maintaining good hunting property is making sure your access roads
in-and-out are clear. If there's an emergency, having a cleared road is one less thing to worry about.

As always, safety is the number one priority when hunting. Be sure to know where your fellow hunters are at all times and that your environment is safe.

Diamond Mowers Skid-Steer Attachments

remove australian pine with skid-steer drum mulcher

remove australian pine with skid-steer disc mulcher
Skid-Steer Drum Mulcher
For mulching trees up to 9 inches in diameter

Skid-Steer Forestry Disc Mulcher
For cutting down trees up to 14 inches in diameter & mulching trees 6 inches in diameter

Find a Diamond dealer near you or contact us directly with any questions about our products!

Contact us today to learn how skid-steers and attachments can help you maintain hunting grounds.


Watch the Diamond Skid-Steer Forestry Mulcher in Action below:


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