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Finding the Diamond Solution

Miranda Moss

Sep 25, 2019 . 1 min read
Finding the Diamond Solution


Ben Collins, Diamond Mowers' customer and owner-operator of Green Valley Site Solutions shares his experience with Diamond's Skid-Steer Rotary Mower for clearing heavily overgrown properties.

Green Valley Site Solutions is located in lush Mooresville, TN. Six months ago Ben added the Diamond Mowers Skid-Steer Rotary Mower to his fleet. “A large part of our business is custom bush hogging. If you know anything about bush hogging for the public, it's usually the areas that haven't been touched in years.”

Ben commented that the Skid-Steer Rotary Mower is a much better solution versus heavy wear and tear on their tractor and bush hog while trying to cut overgrown areas. He has found the Rotary Mower to be a great solution for mowing fence rows and clearing privet hedge, blackberry and briar bushes, and cedar thickets.

“What I like most about my Diamond Skid-Steer Rotary Mower is the speed and efficiency at which it tackles material. When you use an attachment like we do, it must be well built and quickly serviceable, as well as easy to maintain. The Diamond Rotary Mower is the perfect solution for what we need."