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Preparing Equipment for Spring and Summer

Posted by Neil Simons on 4/20/18 2:53 PM
Neil Simons

Man Working on Tractor Mower

Springtime is here! Snow is melting away, birds are out and grass and trees are growing. For those of you in the roadside maintenance industry, it's time to put away the snowplows and sanders and dust off the mowers and mulchers.

Here are some things that you will need to remember as this year’s cutting season gets underway.

Change Your Oil

  • Hydraulic oil and filters, and gear oil in gearboxes should be changed once a year, or every 500 hours
  • Greaseable spindles should be greased once a year/500 hours with 10 pumps of #2 lithium based grease in each grease fitting

Check For Cracks & Leaks

  • Thoroughly inspect equipment for any cracks that should be repaired, or leaks in hoses and fittings that could cause problems later

Install New Blades

  • Start off the season right with a new set of blades or knives
  • Diamond Parts offers direct replacement parts for not only Diamond equipment, but other brands such as Tiger or Alamo

Perform Tractor or Skid-Steer Maintenance

  • Follow your manufacturer’s recommendations for oil and filter changes

Ensuring your mowing or mulching machine is ready for the year prevents costly breakdowns and downtime later in the year.


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Topics: Application: Mowing, Application: Mulching, Attachment Maintenance