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Testimonial: Skid-Steer Forestry Mulcher Transforms Wisconsin Tree Farm

Ben Gutnik

Nov 15, 2017 . 1 min read
Testimonial: Skid-Steer Forestry Mulcher Transforms Wisconsin Tree Farm

Eric Jones - Larsen, WI

Diamond Mowers customer Eric Jones from Larsen, WI wrote us to share his experience with his new Skid-Steer Forestry Mulcher for his tree farm. 

Hi Carl,

Well, it was your product knowledge that steered me to this solution to my buckthorn problem.  

I did more in three days than I did in three years with a chainsaw. I am also much safer with this mower than I was slogging through the thick brush with a chainsaw. The chainsaw is reserved for firewood production. The Diamond Forestry Mulcher gets everything else. 

I have only had it for just under a week, but the overgrown landscape is changing to a more park-like setting. 

My unit is mounted on a 2011 323B3 CAT skid-steer with 23 GPM hydraulic flow rate.  One of the best additions to the CAT was the over the tire (OTT) tracks that allow me to go places where I would never take my conventional tractor. This rig has allowed me to take back my tree farm from invasive buckthorn plants. As an aside, it costs me about 3 gallons of diesel per hour to run the rig while cutting. Well worth it to me. 

Having the forward facing mower is so much more precise and easier to use than my three-point hitch pull behind brush hog.  

Being able to lift the deck 16' (arm height plus deck length) is great for clearing overhanging branches. Much better and safer than a pole saw. I highly recommend a safety glass enclosed cab. Debris flies everywhere!!!

Just a quick note to say thanks Carl and thanks to Diamond for making a product that actually works as advertised. 

Now I gotta get back to munching buckthorn.


Eric Jones 


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Learn more about our Skid-Steer Forestry Mulcher.

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