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Testimonial - Trey's Tree Mulching

Ben Gutnik

Apr 11, 2019 . 1 min read
Testimonial - Trey's Tree Mulching

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Diamond Mowers customer, Trey Claycamp, Owner of Trey's Tree Mulching in Cherokee, IA wrote us to share his experience with his Skid-Steer Forestry Disc Mulcher for vegetation management.


My name is Trey Claycamp. I’m 18 years old and from Cherokee, IA and I own and operate Trey’s Tree Mulching.

I absolutely love my Diamond Skid-Steer Forestry Disc Mulcher. We mainly use the mulcher for pasture maintenance. My business partner Nate Lewis and I run a 340 head cow-calf operation, and decided to get our cedar tree problem under control.

We started by crawling under the trees with a chainsaw to cut them. We got tired of that and got a tree shear. The tree shear worked, but we were spending way too much time piling the trees and waiting for them to dry to burn them.

With the Diamond Skid-Steer Forestry Disc Mulcher, the trees are gone within minutes. I saw the mulcher while I was watching YouTube and I contacted Diamond. Within the next week, we had a mulcher to demo.

I can honestly say that there’s no better way to remove trees and within a couple of hours make a piece of land look completely different.

This spring we have cleared just as many, if not more, cedar trees in three days then we did all last spring.

Diamond’s customer service is great. I have only called the parts department as I have never had a problem with my mulcher. The mulchers and attachments are built to last. After I bought my mulcher Diamond called me a few times, making sure I was happy with my purchase and didn't need anything



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