Revenue Generating Ideas for Land Clearing Contractors in the Fall
Oct 05, 2017 . 1 min read

Days are getting shorter, nights are getting colder. Fall is here. What are some ways that you can keep your skid-steer running and the paychecks coming?
Fence line cleaning: Overgrown fence lines don’t only look bad, but they block visibility of wildlife running out on the road. Help prevent car accidents by using Diamond's skid-steer attachments to cut along and underneath fence lines.
Ditch clearing: In many parts of the country, the responsibility of cutting grass in the road ditches falls on the landowner. Ditches with tall grass will catch snow and allow it to drift across the road, and unwanted trees create a hazard to cars driving near.
Tree clearing: In areas where there are freezing temperatures, this could be the best time for tree mulching. Frozen ground does not get torn up by equipment and frozen sap in trees provides perfect conditions for mulching.
Cutting shooting lanes: Depending on the timing of hunting seasons in your area, hunters and landowners will want new shooting lanes cut, or existing ones maintained.
Clean around field edges: After harvest season is a great time to cut down trees and brush surrounding a field. Tree branches slapping the side of a combine or tractor is fresh on a farmer’s mind and they will be more than willing to get rid of them, and could open up more tillable acres!
Your equipment and business shouldn’t have to sit when the weather turns. Keep operating with your Diamond Skid-Steer Rotary Mower or Forestry Mulcher.
Rotary Mower |
Forestry Mulcher |