Also known as tree borers, wood borers feed on and make habitats from trees and other woody plants. They belong to a variety of insect groups, including beetles, wasps, and moths, and are often the larva of these species.
Also known as tree borers, wood borers feed on and make habitats from trees and other woody plants. They belong to a variety of insect groups, including beetles, wasps, and moths, and are often the larva of these species.
Topics: Skid-Steers & Attachments, Application: Forestry, Excavators & Attachments, Invasive Bugs/Insects
The Australian pine is an invasive tree found primarily in FL, HI, CA, AZ, and TX. In 1898, the USDA first planted Australian pine to stabilize banks and use as lumber. Today, this invasive species interferes with the plants, wildlife, and soil around it.
Topics: Skid-Steers & Attachments, Invasive Trees/Plants, Application: Forestry, Invasive Bugs/Insects
The Asian Longhorned Beetle is a recently introduced non-native insect. This beetle can infest and kill hardwood trees in more than 15 plant families. Without eradication, this insect has the potential to be a significant threat to trees in the United States.
Topics: Skid-Steers & Attachments, Application: Forestry, Invasive Bugs/Insects
Liquidambar styraciflua, otherwise known as the Sweetgum, is a species of hardwood tree commonly found in the southeastern United States and into Mexico and Central America. The Sweetgum name came from the fragrant amber gum or liquid the tree produces.
Topics: Skid-Steers & Attachments, Application: Mulching, Invasive Bugs/Insects
The Norway maple is a species of maple native to eastern and central Europe and western Asia. It invades native US woodlands and prevents ground growth due to dense canopy.
Topics: Skid-Steers & Attachments, Application: Mulching, Invasive Bugs/Insects
Conifers are like a banquet for bark beetles. These beetles infest most of the national parks and pine forests. Combined with climate change, the spread of bark beetles has led to an increase in destruction of trees and wildfires.
Topics: Skid-Steers & Attachments, Application: Forestry, Application: Mulching, Invasive Bugs/Insects
Black Locust is native to the Ozark Mountain and the Central Appalachia. With a quick growing nature and agile adaptability, this tree and has spread to all of the lower 48 states. They have spread through the planting of ornamental landscapes, shelter belts, and fuel wood. While this is an adaptable tree, it favors previously disturbed ground such as a road ditch or an abandoned road.
Topics: Application: Mowing, Skid-Steers & Attachments, Application: Forestry, Application: Mulching, Invasive Bugs/Insects
Insect infestations, particularly wood-boring insects, can affect a wide range of ornamental or forest trees. These insects can thrive for some time before damage is noticed and is too late for the survival of the trees.
Topics: Skid-Steers & Attachments, Application: Mulching, Invasive Bugs/Insects
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